Ito Electronics Co., Ltd.


About Us

Company/Management Philosophy

Company Philosophy


The era when humans and machines live together has already started.
The development of electronics will achieve our hopes in the future as well, and should be in harmony with the global environment. We expressed such hopes through a mural painting.
Blue evokes the image of machines, and green evokes the image of nature.
The blending of the two colors results in turquoise blue, which is exactly the color of the era that we are aiming for.

Management Philosophy

  1. To contribute to society through the development of electronics, we continue to provide new and optimum values.
  2. We respect human growth and continue to create a place where employees can have fun at work and provide pleasure.
  3. To continue as a good company that keeps growing and fulfills its social responsibilities, we continue to be matched with the environment and society.

Action Guidelines

We are PRO Age Of “P・A・N・T・S” Personality・・・個性:プロとしての独創性と個性を確立 Amusement・・・愉快:仕事は前向きに幅広に愉快に取り組む Natural・・・自然:自然体に構え豊かな発想 Trans-border・・・革新:思考、地域・国の垣根を越えた発展 Service・・・奉仕:お客様が満足できる奉仕の心

Health Management Declaration

Ito Electronics is committed to health activities for the well-being of each employee.

  1. We improve employees' health awareness.
  2. We grasp the health condition of employees and encourage them to improve it.
  3. We stimulate the workplace and activate the communication.
  4. We improve employees' work-life balance.