Ito Electronics Co., Ltd.


Privacy Policy

1. Matters Concerning Collection, Use and Provision of Personal Information

  1. In the case where we collect personal information from the customer, we will clarify the purpose of use and use such personal information within the scope of the following purpose of use. If we use such personal information beyond the said purpose of use or we provide such collected personal information to any party outside the Company, we will do so after obtaining the approval of the customer unless required by the applicable laws.
    • (a) To register information of the customer as prescribed by laws and regulations;
    • (b) To provide a business guide such as information concerning various preferential treatment, various commodity plans, and events;
    • (c) To use for the purpose of research on utilization trends, development of new products, and a customer satisfaction survey as statistical information within the scope in which no individual can be identified;
    • (d) To contact the customer in writing, by phone or e-mail to respond to his/her opinions in the questionnaire; or
    • (e) To use for other purposes in connection with provision of the services of the Company.
  2. In the case where we share personal information of the customer with other parties, we will do so after clearly indicating the items to be shared, scope of use, purpose of use, and name of the company responsible for management.
  3. If the customer requires us to disclose, correct, or remove the personal information we have collected, we will meet the requirement after the customer’s identity is verified.

2. Matters Concerning Security Measures of Personal Information

  1. We will designate a person who is responsible for handling personal information and minimize the number of persons in charge of handling personal information. We will also strive to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc., of personal information, as well as will take the necessary security management measures.
  2. If we outsource processing, etc., of personal information, we will select a business operator that is recognized to be at an appropriate level of personal information protection management in terms of handling of personal information and information security measures. In outsourcing, we will stipulate necessary matters concerning the handling of personal information in an agreement, etc., and take all possible measures for security.

3. Other Matters

  1. We will establish internal rules and regulations concerning the protection and handling of personal information in accordance with laws and ordinances, governmental and ministerial ordinances and guidelines, etc., related to personal information and other related rules and norms, and review, revise, and improve such internal rules and regulations if necessary on a continuous basis.
  2. We will abide by relevant laws and ordinances, rules, and norms and internal rules and regulations in handling personal information.

4. Inspection

We will inspect and verify on a regular basis that the matters stated in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above are implemented properly and correct and improve any problems.

5. Matters Concerning Website

We will take the utmost care in the handling and protection of personal information posted on the website operated by the Company (“Website”) in line with the Policy to ensure that all users use the service safely and comfortably. However, we will not assume any responsibility for the security of personal information of the customer posted on other websites linked to the Website. We recommend that the customer examine the details of the handling standards for the protection of personal information on a website other than the Website and that, if there are no such handling standards, we recommend that the customer contact a department or a person in charge of such website directly to confirm the safety of his/her personal information.

  1. Use of Cookies
    The Website uses cookies in a part of the services to provide better services to the customer. A cookie is a small data file sent from a Web server to the browser on the PC of the customer. The cookie on the Website is used for the purpose of providing appropriate information and ensuring security of the customer, and never includes data regarding personal information by which a specific customer can be identified. The customer may refuse to accept cookies by setting the Web browser to block cookies, but we recommend that the customer use cookies by setting the Web browser to accept cookies in order to use all the services on the Website operated by the Company comfortably.
  2. Regarding Access Log
    Information regarding individuals who access the Website is recorded in the form of access logs on the Website. Access logs include domain names, IP addresses, type of browsers in use and date and time of access of those who access the Website, but do not include information by which an individual can be identified. Access logs are used for the purpose of maintenance of the Website and statistical analysis regarding use of the Website and not for any other purposes.

6. Regarding Revision of Policy on Protection of Personal Information

If there is any material change in the Policy, we will notify the customer of such change on the Website. Changes may be made without prior notice, so please check the latest information on the Website from time to time. Please note that we will assume no responsibility for any troubles arising from the customer’s failure to check any changes.